Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is the most recent picture that I have of our family. One would venture to say that we are a tight family. We do everything we can together in the spare time when Nathan isn't working on the race car and I am not at a softball/basketball game.

Alexander was a surprise to both Nathan and I, however in his 4 1/2 years of walking this earth, the surprises me over and over every single day of the year. This year he has started school, and he well, loves it! He wakes up at 5:30 in the morning scared that he is late... We would then have to walk outside so he could look across the road and see that no one is there. I am so happy that he loves school. I don't think there is much that could excite me other then the fact that my son is having fun learning. On the flip side of that, the Nathan is coming out in him. Alex continues to get into trouble for making other people laugh... He gets in other kids face and growls, and rearranges things he isn't supposed to touch, and crawls around on the floor while he is supposed to be taking a nap. While this may seem funny for some, most of you didn't see how my husband finished school. So I see this as a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately!!!
Alexander however, is one of the sweetest kids ever! He loves going to work on the race car with dad or playing baseball with mom, or just being outside so he can soak up some sun.

Jayden was not a surprise. She has been a blessing. She is the first female to come out of a Sexton male in 3 generations! We never thought we were going to be able to have a girl but God blessed both my sister and I with daughters and she has been so wonderful. She is 14 months right now and she just walks and talks and laughs and keeps Nathan and I entertained! She loves to go outside with her daddy, but most of the time I keep her inside so she doesn't get hurt. She loves going to the races and watching TV in mommy's new car. She has learned how to blow kisses and shake her head yes and no to any question you might ask her.
Nathan and I have had our trials and tribulations and after five years of marriage it appears as though we are both here to stay. He is the Love of my life and he has become to rock that I stand on to keep me strong. We have a bond that is unbreakable, and believe me, there are people who have tried to break it. It is only by the grace of God that I was given the gift of such a wonderful husband. He has been there to support me while I worked and went to school full time and he has been there while I have been out late every night with a basketball game. I am so blessed by him and he makes me a better me.

Now that you have a little background, keep checking for new updates. My life is crazy and Nathans life is crazy but we will keep you posted on anything that might happen. God Bless you!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Al on the slide is so cute! Glad you started a blog. . . hope you update it more than your sister! :)
