Friday, March 19, 2010

A week of surprises!

If i had to pick a picture to describe what exactly has happened this week, the picture above would describe it in so many words. This week has been full of every emotion you can think of. But one word that stands out to me it, CHAOS! We have had five kids and two adults taking care of them. I just don't see how anyone could do this to themselves. It has been fun but exhausting. Crazy but worth it! I have posted a few pics from different moments in the week.

She loves this ole horse! I think all of us grandkids and great grand kids have too!
Grandpa is having it out with little Silas!
Some of us just played too hard.
It was obvious that Jayden doesn't get to play with rocks that much, where Caedis was like, o yeah we have a ton of those where I am from!
We felt that since all the grand kids wouldn't be together for easter that it was mandatory for us to have an egg hunt!
Look at all the eggs she found ( This was while the other kids were out trying to find the one egg that was left!)

Looks like the Easter Egg Hunt paid off for someone!
We decided that the kids have been pretty good all week so we took them to McDonalds. W

We decided that we had so much fun at McDonalds, that we would head on over to Chuck E Cheeses. Apparently everyone else had the idea that sitting and watching your children play was a fantastic idea, seeing how everyone around here is on spring break! Yes ok and tx is!!!
Some of weren't having as much fun as the others... You see, the babies have to lay down for a nap at one or else they get cranky which makes me cranky... She was tired and the mouse kept pestering her!

Alex and Silas were having so much fun playing on the games that they would stick coins in until the games started and play for a few seconds and leave. Most of the time they would leave while the game was still going on and usually they left the tickets too! If you see us at Chuck E Cheeses, be sure to follow us around!

Silas was rather taken by Uncle Nathans race car! He was so excited to get in it, but not only did he get to sit in it, he got to start it and rev it up! I don't know if you can see the excitement on his face but you could tell, he was so happy!

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